SEMA 2011
Thursday 03 November, 2011 at 9:04 am admin Uncategorized 0
The SEMA show for 2011 is here, and I suppose the next best thing to actually having a vehicle of my own in the 2011 SEMA show is definitely seeing all the other peoples vehicles we have worked with this year, proudly displaying their trucks at SEMA this year, running Michigan Metal Works parts. I [...]

The SEMA show for 2011 is here, and I suppose the next best thing to actually having a vehicle of my own in the 2011 SEMA show is definitely seeing all the other peoples vehicles we have worked with this year, proudly displaying their trucks at SEMA this year, running Michigan Metal Works parts. I thank all of them for allowing us to be a part of their builds. I will post some pics throughout the day as they start to roll in, there are a handfull I can think of off, but im sure im missing some. Not too bad for a couple people nobody has ever heard of, in the middle of Michigan, just doing some work.
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